120 Weston Street, Brunswick East, VICTORIA 3057

Athletic Advancement

Scientifically driven protocols individually tailored to produce empowered athletes that are stronger, faster, leaner, and more powerful, all within the shortest time possible.

As an athlete, training will have formed comfortable grooves into your body and mind. Yet this same idea of comfort can become the very core of your weakness.

At ASP, we know what it takes to be the best and pride ourselves in developing athletes that are stronger, faster and more efficient in their sport.

The ASP Athlete Advancement Program

Our Athletic Advancement Program expertly combines five core disciplines crucial to athletic excellence:

  • Positive Psychology
  • Postural Optimization
  • Personalised Nutrition and Supplementation
  • Performance Oriented Programs
  • Prolonged Sustainability

Here are a few of the athletes who’ve trusted ASP and gotten incredible results:

Matthew’s Story

After playing State League basketball for many years my fitness had plateaued as well as my game. I was looking for a better way to train and get some excellent results in the gym that would transfer to the basketball court.

From my first training session at Australian Strength Performance with Coach Ben I knew I was in the right place. The training sessions pushed me well past what I thought I was capable of. Under Ben’s guidance my strength increased significantly through his expertly planned and periodized training methods. The sessions were tough but enjoyable as I was able to see improvements every session. Those minor achievements were exactly what was needed to keep me motivated and focused.

Not only were there increases in strength but my body composition had changed greatly.  From arriving in the off season at 103kgs at 27% body fat 8 weeks before the season started, Ben was able to push me to start the season at 94kgs at 16% body fat. I had lost a considerable amount of weight but also gained significant amount of muscle. I had never felt stronger. As the season went on and the training continued it was easy to see the training with Ben directly transfer onto the basketball court. I was more explosive, jumping higher, stronger and more co-ordinated on both sides of my body which was excellent for basketball.

I cannot recommend Ben and the Team enough. The facility is amazing and the atmosphere encourages success.

Thanks ASP!

Matthew G
Team Captain
Whittlesea Pacers

Hanna’s Story

When I first met with The ASP Team, I had been resting for 3 months with a back injury sustained playing basketball in Europe. I was very out of shape, had little strength or tone to my body and was in need of a major physical makeover. After my initial BioSignature testing it was clear that there was a long way to go, as my body fat percentage was 18% and I didn’t feel or look like much of an international athlete.

In the gym I was hesitant to go back to Olympic lifts as this was how I injured my back initially. Although with guidance and a gradual plan, by week 10 of my ASP training I was lifting 80kg deadlifts, 60kg front squats and 40kg jerks!

This was a huge improvement as I have avoided these lifts since hurting my back doing front squats in 2005. I was feeling strong and stable in my core again and knew that I had got my jump back after I could comfortably jump on a 108cm platform!

My body composition changed out of sight with my final readings having me at 13.5% body fat, I was now looking and feeling like an international athlete again! Overall, I don’t think I could have dropped the amount of fat in such a short time that I did if I hadn’t worked with Ben, he educated me on proper nutrition for high intensity training and helped me create healthy habits with my eating that I will now maintain throughout my training.

Hanna Z
University of Canberra Capitals
RIO 2017 Opals squad member

For further information about Athletic Advancement, including packages and cost, get in touch with us.

Why wait to take that step to looking great and feeling fantastic?