120 Weston Street, Brunswick East, VICTORIA 3057

Gary T.

After falling in love with CrossFit in 2010, I had begun to train daily, and get more serious about my nutrition through paleo eating. While my training improved, and I started noticing some changes in my body shape, the results began to plateau.

ASP came highly recommended as the man to go to as an elite strength and nutrition coach who also understood paleo eating and the CrossFit movement. Through the ASP Evolution system, I was introduced to BioSignature Modulation – a nutritional program that has literally changed my life, body shape and wellbeing. Since having my diet changed, I don’t get gassy or bloated; I sleep better and have far more energy throughout the day without ever being hungry.

Since having my diet changed, I don’t get gassy or bloated; I sleep better, and have far more energy throughout the day

Gary's 12-Week Transformation

The strength programs that ASP pushed me through were awesome but extremely challenging! As I shed fat, my strength levels increased drastically with each passing week.

The effect this had on CrossFit was really motivating – being lean, lighter and stronger obviously helped move better.

  • A cross fitter and fitness enthusiast, Gary had the mindset but a physique that did not match. He gave himself 12 weeks to increase his strength for specifical squats, cleans and overhead presses and on top of that wanted to have a body that spelled ‘FIT’. So that was our challenge from the get-go.
  • We began by working out his physical imbalances in lifting, testing everything from back squats front squats, cleans, snatches etc. We had to overcome massive muscular imbalances between his quads and hamstrings, lots of muscular tightness and reduced range of motion as well as recorrect his lift patterns.
  • Gary needed to be educated in understanding what foods were important for his recovery and muscle growth. He had the task of prepping his foods so he does not deviate into making poor choices. We also had to modulate his macronutrient proportions so that he does not overindulge on starchy carbs, but include more fat and protein to encourage fat burn. A supplement protocol was also introduced to ensure effective digestion, metabolism, and detoxification.
  • In those 12 weeks, we were able to smash Gary’s goals out of the water. From front squatting his 100kgs goal for multiple reps and cleaning 90 kgs to looking like he belonged on a Men’s Health cover, each goal was ticked off. It’s changing lives like this that make our role as coaches all worthwhile.
The best thing about the ASP 12-week program was the support and accountability. ASP helped push me through the process sharing in the weekly successes. I can honestly say that if you’re looking to lean down fast and improve your performance, well being and overall health, ASP coaching is an incredible investment.

Gary T.