120 Weston Street, Brunswick East, VICTORIA 3057

5 Common Food Myths – Debunked



Nowadays, we are becoming increasingly health-conscious. Just look at the amount of media, books and food products dedicated to topics such as weight loss, dieting and getting skinny – and all in the name of ‘Healthy Living’. Yet paradoxically, amidst all this hype, we are observing a corresponding increase in problems of obesity, malnutrition and a myriad array of nutrition-related psychological and physical issues both in our children and adults.

This irony beseeches us to question: Are we being misinformed? Could we, in our fanatical health-quest be causing ourselves to become sicker in the process? Our answer lies in what many health experts consider to be a main advocate of these misguided opinions – The commercialisation of the food Industry.

In recent years, there has been a push for foods that are artificially preserved, sweetened, packaged, canned, genetically modified, fortified, and microwavable to be seen as healthy and 100% consumption-safe. What that means for us is that despite destroying vital nutrients and enzymes in whole foods, and adding numerous artificial

chemicals (many, lethal in accumulated dosages, with names we can’t even pronounce!), these food cocktails are considered acceptable for our bodies and our ongoing health. Little wonder nowadays we develop countless nutritional problems! With this understanding, let’s embark on a quick nutritional re-evaluation to seek some truth about 5 common food myths, no holds barred:



“When eating eggs, the cholesterol-filled yolk should be discarded, while the egg-white, high in protein and goodness is eaten.”


Eggs represent one of nature’s most complete sources of protein and nutritionally balanced meals, provided the yolk and white are consumed together. An Organically-farmed egg (as Mother Nature intended), contains just the right proportions of omega3’s and

for optimal nutrition.
The cholesterol in the yolk is a crucial component of each of our 75 trillion cells and is used to maintain an optimal cholesterol count within our bodies. Without the yolk, we limit our ability to absorb the nutrients within the egg-whites. It is natures’ way of telling us we should be consuming the egg whole to enjoy its benefits.
In fact, back in some primitive societies, whole eggs were considered so nutritious; it was often prescribed as a pre-pregnancy food for the mother-to-be. Some of these women ate up to 8 eggs daily for extended periods in preparation for conception.





“Tuna, nicknamed ‘chicken-of-the-sea’, is a great protein source and can be consumed frequently.”


Tuna may be high in protein, yet most varieties contain abnormally high levels of mercury. Fossil evidences of more ancient tuna varieties also exhibited a similar pattern of elevated mercury levels, indicating that we should be careful about consuming tuna as a species.
Toxicity studies suggest that by having a single standard can of tuna each day for a week, the safe level of mercury consumption for a 200-pound person is exceeded twice over!
Short term, mercury accumulation can cause decreased mental function and insomnia. In the long run, individuals may develop disrupted thyroid function (tuna will get you fat!), poor gut function and hypertension. Mercury toxicity can also complicate birth and seriously compromise the health of the baby within the womb.




“Margarine is a healthier alternative to Butter, a saturated fat.”


Margarine is a product of a chemical process called hydrogenation. This causes the vegetable oil to solidify and stay rigid under room temperature. Hydrogenation destroys the nutrient and vitamin value of the oil and transforms it’s molecules to resemble a plastic rather than fat!

Because our bodies cannot effectively detoxify plastics, we accumulate it, causing us to store fat and can eventually lead to cancers. Hydrogenation also often leaves traces of nickel and aluminium (used in the chemical process) within the margarine and metal toxicity has been found to cause Alzheimer’s disease and cancers.
In contrast, butter is made naturally from beating cream. The vitamins and minerals are preserved, and pure butter without additives contains healthy fatty-acids that benefits cholesterol levels and general health.
Additionally, numerous studies have shown that margarine increases ‘bad’ Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol levels of its consumers. Interestingly, since margarine began displacing butter and animal fat in households, heart disease has correspondingly risen from its anonymity to become a leading cause of death!
And finally, given its celluloid-like properties, experts have linked margarine consumption to the development of cellulite. Research have shown that women who revert back to consuming more natural fats like butter tended to display marked improvements in their cellulite problems (so ladies, think again when you opt for margarine).





“Skimmed/low fat milk is a healthier alternative to full fat milk.”


Removing fats from milk separates this naturally-occurring nutrient from its source, creating an ‘incomplete’ food. When consuming skimmed milk, our body will crave for that missing element, often giving us food cravings and hunger-pangs.
Truth is, we cannot absorb the minerals from the milk without the saturated fat that act like carriers. So if you are drinking milk for the calcium, it is futile unless you consume full-fat milk.
Additionally, low fat milk

all it.

often contains milk powders to obtain a smooth consistency. The milk powder is made by spray-drying the milk proteins and fats, oxidising the cholesterol within it. Increasing research has linked oxidised cholesterol to heart disease.






“Diet drinks are always a healthier alternative because of its significantly lower calorie count.”


Diet drinks contain fewer calories because they contain alternative forms of sweeteners such as aspartame to trick the taste buds. When the tongue tastes the sweetness of the drink, it alerts the brain to incoming sugar. Accordingly, this stimulates the digestive tract to receive the sugar input. However, when no traces of sugar are detected, it sends a return message to the brain indicating a need for sugar. This ironically spikes your craving for sweet foods! Furthermore, recent studies have also started to draw a link between Aspartame and certain cancers.





Written by

Benjamin Siong

Founder and

Master Strength Coach

Australian Strength Performance