120 Weston Street, Brunswick East, VICTORIA 3057

Lea G.

I’ve always been scared of leading an ordinary life, accepting a routine which would lull me into a coma-like state, leading toward…no where special. Then one day I realized I was heading there! Early 30′s, no longer as fit as I thought I was and lacking goals.

I’ve learnt about pushing myself to extraordinary new levels

Lea's 12-Week Transformation

The ASP Team challenged me to change, they changed my life!! I’ve learned about pushing myself to extraordinary new levels, have developed a whole new understanding of nutrition and supplementation and conquered limitations in my mind.

  • Lea gave us only eight short weeks to prep her for her Figure show with the INBA. Having previously focused mainly on group fitness classes, we knew had a challenge on our hands – to get her putting on some muscle and introduce resistance-based workouts as ‘the bread and butter’ for her transformation.
  • The great part about working with Lea was her determined attitude and focus. Nothing could stop this woman – physically nor mentally. It didn’t hurt that she probably had some of the most gifted genes we have worked with, and took to our training protocols like a fish to water. Her nutrition plans had to be changed weekly as her body adapted fast, and supplement protocols were introduced to ensure effective detoxification and fat loss from the lower half.
  • With the specific protocols in place, there was no margin for error. Lea’s transformation was accurate and swift. Within weeks, her abs showed, her arms and shoulders got defined and her lower half lifted and toned. It was remarkable just how much muscle she had developed in such a short time. The pictures tell it all! In just 8 weeks, Lea had managed to place 2nd in her first competition and floored the judges with her debut.
  • This was no doubt the start of Lea’s journey towards a leaner, healthier physique.
When everything you want seems so far away, it takes one decision, one choice to change. I made it and haven’t looked back!


Lea G, INBA Miss Figure Novice – 1st runner up (2009).